Discovering Wellness with a splash of Immunity boost

  • How much food/drink have you made so far after the quarantine?

  • How much more time are you spending in the kitchen compare with before?

I personally have tried so many unique recipes, it’s hard to keep track with all the new content out there! From the past successes, to new recipes I found trending online ( like the popular Dalgona coffee, Tiramisu, coffee bean cookies, cheesecakes, etc…) sometimes the process of completing a project, ends up just as great as the finished result! Plus, nothing beats the quality time spent with family in the kitchen.

I would like to share my current favourite drink - Beetroot Matcha Latte.

This tasty drink not only holds incredible health benefits, but is also extremely easy to make!


Beetroot Matcha Latte


- 1 teaspoon Beetroot Powder

- 1 teaspoon Matcha Powder

- 1 cup Milk of your choice (I used soy milk here)

- Sweetener of your choice (or none at all, the beetroot powder tastes really good itself!)

- 1/2 cup Boiling water


1. Add matcha powder with your sweetener, I used honey here. Add hot water and mix well using a whisk so it creates some foam.

2. Warm up the milk and add beetroot powder. It will turn into beautiful pink colour. Then use froster or whisk to blend.

3. Pour the matcha mixture into your favourite cup, then pour the milk mixture.

4. To put the cherry on top, splash some beetroot powder/ matcha powder.

5. Enjoy and BEET it! :)

Our team recently came up with ideas regarding a Wellness Package featuring the immunity booster in a tube containing- Beet Root Powder


Beet Root - The Immune Boost

Drinking a cup of water with Beet Root Powder can boost immune function and prevent chronic diseases because of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains.

Made too much and can’t finish them all? You can always do some special deliveries to your friends and family and leave at the doorstep. Because you are not only delivering your love and thoughtfulness, but also loads of heath benefits to them!


Benefits of Beet Root

- Helps lower blood pressure

- Helps reduce acne

- Improves exercise stamina

- May improve muscle power in people with heart failure

- May slow the progression of dementia

- Helps you maintain a healthy weight

- May prevent cancer

- Good source of potassium and other minerals

- Help Fight Inflammation

You can just simply add water to the beet root powder and boost your immune system right away. There are also other options like baking with it; adding it to your favourite soup; making salad dressing or bread spread! Spread your creative wings and share your results by tagging us, we would love to see your creations!

Have fun boosting your immune system!

Stay well, friends :)